• BTC: $67 406.42
  • ETH: $2 635.41
  • BNB: $595.90
  • SOL: $167.98
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 9889
  • Airdrops listed: 1093
  • BTC: $67 406.42
  • ETH: $2 635.41
  • BNB: $595.90
  • SOL: $167.98
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2527
  • Total Airdrops: 358
  • BTC: $67 406.42
  • ETH: $2 635.41
  • BNB: $595.90
  • SOL: $167.98
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2527
  • Total Airdrops: 358
  • BTC: $67 406.42
  • ETH: $2 635.41
  • BNB: $595.90
  • SOL: $167.98
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2527
  • Total Airdrops: 358
  • BTC: $67 406.42
  • ETH: $2 635.41
  • BNB: $595.90
  • SOL: $167.98
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2527
  • Total Airdrops: 358
  • BTC: $67 406.42
  • ETH: $2 635.41
  • BNB: $595.90
  • SOL: $167.98
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2527
  • Total Airdrops: 358


Launch Date:
Price $ 0.(011)7886
Market Cap $ 3 318
Liquidity $ 2791

About XCHARITY token

Welcome to XCharity $XC, the first X projectwith a heart! We’re thrilled to introduce youto our project, which not only offers you theopportunity to invest in the booming memecoin industry but also gives back to childrenin need around the world.X Charity is not just any X coin; it’s theproject that takes care of everyone, from themost fragile (children) to the diamond hands(investors). When you invest in X Charity,you’re not just joining a community of memecoin enthusiasts who care about making adifference. You’re also supporting a projectthat is dedicated to creating a brighterfuture for children in need around the world.Our unique fee structure is designed tobenefit both investors and our charitablepartners. When you invest in X Charity, thereare 0% buying fees and a 6% selling fee. Ofthis 6%, 2% goes to charity, 3% isallocated to marketing efforts and 1% for LP. This meansthat, as an investor, you not only benefitfrom the value appreciation of X Charity butalso contribute to a good cause. You canfeel good knowing that your investment ismaking a real difference in the world

Coin rank
Global rank: #2366
Daily rank: #0

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Coin rank
Global rank: #2366
Daily rank: #0

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