• BTC: $96 534.26
  • ETH: $2 770.22
  • BNB: $668.50
  • SOL: $172.41
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 12032
  • Airdrops listed: 1098
  • BTC: $96 534.26
  • ETH: $2 770.22
  • BNB: $668.50
  • SOL: $172.41
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4670
  • Total Airdrops: 363
  • BTC: $96 534.26
  • ETH: $2 770.22
  • BNB: $668.50
  • SOL: $172.41
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4670
  • Total Airdrops: 363
  • BTC: $96 534.26
  • ETH: $2 770.22
  • BNB: $668.50
  • SOL: $172.41
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4670
  • Total Airdrops: 363
  • BTC: $96 534.26
  • ETH: $2 770.22
  • BNB: $668.50
  • SOL: $172.41
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4670
  • Total Airdrops: 363
  • BTC: $96 534.26
  • ETH: $2 770.22
  • BNB: $668.50
  • SOL: $172.41
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4670
  • Total Airdrops: 363


Launch Date:
Market Cap

About METAWEB3 token

As of now, multiple metaverse worlds have no cross-border connection. Making it hard to transport your goods or items from one place to another. So here comes WEB3 you hear about but are not defined. Web3 will be the internet /web as we know it but inside of the metaverse and across all metaverse landscapes so you want to buy a Ford truck and park it in your driveway in Decentraland then you will be able to purchase a digital truck from Ford on web3 and load it straight to your metaverse wallet and insert it anywhere you like. same with Amazon and so on and so on. giving every person the ability to be unique and live any life they want. NOW here comes US.METAWEB3 (TWEB3) will be the cross-coin and cross-multiverse transactional vehicle. And the staple of the METAWEB3 WALLET. 1 wallet to store and transact seamlessly in the real world, metaverse, web3, and multiverse. No border between the worlds of reality and digital living.MEATAVERSE WALLET AND TWEB3In your wallet, the TWEB3 token will act like an ANTIBIOTIC for a sickness we currently have too many coins and no way of cheaply and effortlessly using them. So rather than Amazon having to accept every coin on the market they only have to accept TWEB3. After migrating to the METAWEB3 blockchain, all retailers inside and outside the multiverse only have to accept TWEB3. TWEB3 will attach itself to any and all tokens instantly converting that value amount from the coin you choose to pay with into tweb3 (for free) and then delivering the payment to the retailer in the currency of their choice.How this workswith companies everywhere fighting and paying for your attention for advertisement METAWEB3 wallet will have each vendor be a validator of the blockchain so rather than receiving money for running nodes they will receive TWEB3 credits which they can use to purchase ad time that runs in the background of the wallet like a live motion background on your phone which you have to choice to swipe right in your wallet and watch the ads and specials deals offered to our wallet. your choice not forced on you to watch like so many other apps. that’s how we keep it free and no conversion fees or transaction fees. So, in short, a blockchain and wallet powered by the very companies that are fighting for your attention and they already have the ability to run nodes and be validators they are just waiting on us!

Coin rank
Global rank: #181
Daily rank: #0

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Coin rank
Global rank: #181
Daily rank: #0

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