• BTC: $95 976.69
  • ETH: $2 677.23
  • BNB: $706.48
  • SOL: $193.10
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 11943
  • Airdrops listed: 1098
  • BTC: $95 976.69
  • ETH: $2 677.23
  • BNB: $706.48
  • SOL: $193.10
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4581
  • Total Airdrops: 363
  • BTC: $95 976.69
  • ETH: $2 677.23
  • BNB: $706.48
  • SOL: $193.10
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4581
  • Total Airdrops: 363
  • BTC: $95 976.69
  • ETH: $2 677.23
  • BNB: $706.48
  • SOL: $193.10
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4581
  • Total Airdrops: 363
  • BTC: $95 976.69
  • ETH: $2 677.23
  • BNB: $706.48
  • SOL: $193.10
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4581
  • Total Airdrops: 363
  • BTC: $95 976.69
  • ETH: $2 677.23
  • BNB: $706.48
  • SOL: $193.10
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4581
  • Total Airdrops: 363


Launch Date:
Price $ 0.00015910
Market Cap $ 232 380
Liquidity $ 48840

About Disciplina token

We are developing the first blockchain to create verified personal profiles based on academic and professional achievements

Project mission:
To create a multifunctional blockchain for keeping a unified register of academic achievement and qualifications to generate a scoring system for every user of our platform

To create a universal blockchain that will store personal achievements in a digital form and guarantee their permanence and credibility
To offer an effective algorithm for candidate search by their fields of expertise
To develop a mechanism of monetization of the data stored by the educational institutions

Advantages of the platform:

The opportunity to store the data on personal achievements in digital form and provide the access to the data through the unified platform which guarantees its permanence and credibility

An effective search tool by candidates’ achievements and their fields of expertise

DISCIPLINA is an open-source platform. Every educational or recruiting service will be able to use blockchain in their projects

Monetization of the stored data on student academic achievement through its trade to the recruiters. Fulfillment of obligations by all parties is guaranteed, and the option for cross-border payment provided

Reliable information on ratings, feedback, and student grades

The opportunity of targeted education, when students have certain milestones by completion of which they will be guaranteed a job in a given organization

Ecosystem participants

Academic institutions:
State and private offline and online organizations, children’s educational institutions, universities, academies, etc

Offline and online tutors, coaches, instructors, teachers, psychologists, mentors, etc

Any person that is studying, or would like to find an educational program for themselves or their friends and family

Recruiters:HR agencies, private specialists, platforms for personnel search and recruitment, employers, and entrepreneurs

Coin rank
Global rank: #1736
Daily rank: #0

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Coin rank
Global rank: #1736
Daily rank: #0

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