• BTC: $96 357.84
  • ETH: $2 786.90
  • BNB: $666.98
  • SOL: $170.79
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 12032
  • Airdrops listed: 1098
  • BTC: $96 357.84
  • ETH: $2 786.90
  • BNB: $666.98
  • SOL: $170.79
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4670
  • Total Airdrops: 363
  • BTC: $96 357.84
  • ETH: $2 786.90
  • BNB: $666.98
  • SOL: $170.79
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4670
  • Total Airdrops: 363
  • BTC: $96 357.84
  • ETH: $2 786.90
  • BNB: $666.98
  • SOL: $170.79
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4670
  • Total Airdrops: 363
  • BTC: $96 357.84
  • ETH: $2 786.90
  • BNB: $666.98
  • SOL: $170.79
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4670
  • Total Airdrops: 363
  • BTC: $96 357.84
  • ETH: $2 786.90
  • BNB: $666.98
  • SOL: $170.79
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 4670
  • Total Airdrops: 363


Launch Date:
Price $ 0.(08)9113
Market Cap $ 8 365
Liquidity $ 136

About Xrius token

Xrius Crypto Token Pursuit

Once upon a time in the digital world of Cyberspace, a brave adventurer named Aria and a legendary archaeologist named John set out on a quest to find the Xrius Tokens. Hearing that these tokens possess immense power and grant their owners unique abilities in the virtual world, Aria and John’s greatest adventure began

Aria and John’s journey began in the Enchanted Code Forest, where Aria and John encountered complex mazes guarded by elusive AI coding creatures. With each labyrinth successfully traversed, Aria and John earned a valuable Xrius Token, one step closer to unlocking the ultimate prize

As Aria and John travelled deeper into the virtual world, they encountered challenges such as the Grok Firewall Fortress and the Binary Bitcoin Bridge, where every step had to be carefully considered. Along the way, they met other AI-powered bots and formed alliances to overcome complex puzzles designed to protect their hard-earned and coveted Xrius Tokens

As Aria and John leveled up, their journey became more difficult as they encountered malicious elemental minions – mischievous beings who didn’t want them to win the game. With cunning strategy, a sense of adventure, and quick thinking, she defeated these enemies to protect herself and her precious Xrius tokens

As the missions progressed, Aria and John uncovered the secrets of the algorithmic archives where the key to unlocking the true potential of the Xrius Tokens was hidden in old mission scenarios. It became clear that the power within these tokens was not only a tool for personal advancement, but also a force for good in the virtual realm

Finally, after facing the final mission challenge in the Quantum Fortress, the doors to the new virtual world opened and the heroic couple Aria and John emerged

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Global rank: #1793
Daily rank: #0

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Coin rank
Global rank: #1793
Daily rank: #0

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