• BTC: $95 018.03
  • ETH: $3 548.70
  • BNB: $652.56
  • SOL: $221.06
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 10659
  • Airdrops listed: 1093
  • BTC: $95 018.03
  • ETH: $3 548.70
  • BNB: $652.56
  • SOL: $221.06
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 3297
  • Total Airdrops: 358
  • BTC: $95 018.03
  • ETH: $3 548.70
  • BNB: $652.56
  • SOL: $221.06
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 3297
  • Total Airdrops: 358
  • BTC: $95 018.03
  • ETH: $3 548.70
  • BNB: $652.56
  • SOL: $221.06
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 3297
  • Total Airdrops: 358
  • BTC: $95 018.03
  • ETH: $3 548.70
  • BNB: $652.56
  • SOL: $221.06
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 3297
  • Total Airdrops: 358
  • BTC: $95 018.03
  • ETH: $3 548.70
  • BNB: $652.56
  • SOL: $221.06
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 3297
  • Total Airdrops: 358
Toker Token

Toker Token

Launch Date:
Market Cap

About Toker Token token

Grow weed with US. 🌿 Introducing Toker Token ($THC) & McWeedy LLC & McWeedy DAO! 🚨🚀 Get ready for a mind-blowing adventure where DEFI meets the dank world of marijuana. Buckle up, folks, because this is going to be lit! 🔥TOKER TOKENS are not just a Cannabis based meme coin. Picture this: a token that not only distributes profits from a marijuana grow but also burns itself to create scarcity. With Toker Tokens ($THC), you’re in for a double treat – a deflationary utility token that grants you a piece of the cannabis profits while reducing supply, creating scarcity over time. And guess what? ✔️RENOUNCED VERIFIED AUDITED CONTRACT, so no funny business!✔️SAFU, KYC, AUDIT DOXXED BADGES✔️LIQUIDITY BLOCKED for 420 days after the Fair Launch✔️BUY AND SELL FEE .6942071069%🔥 WE WILL BURN OUR SUPPLY$250,000 Free Weed Giveaway September 28. $150,000 to token holders. $100,000 in person New York City Times SquareTOKEN SUPPLY420 TrillionFair Launch August 2 19:37 EST (Anniversary of 1937 Marijuana Stamp Act that made Cannabis illegal in the United States)🔶 CONTRACT: 0x5Ed4D0d892479d6882921aF9F6509a177350FDe1Pinksale: https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0x219Aa1Ae7efEc27aC3B1221C3149B78f4148C127?chain=BSC&refId=0x4Af45B6A1a8BF0c9d4a7C5769eb0A82d9F3654cEhttps://mcweedy.me/https://discord.gg/VUNAw6ayKJhttps://t.me/TokerTokens/https://twitter.com/mcweedynugheadz

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Global rank: #2662
Daily rank: #0

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Coin rank
Global rank: #2662
Daily rank: #0

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