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LVMAbout Livium token
Livium – Empowering financial freedom through decentralized innovation.💠 LAUNCH IN 6 DAYS 💠Introducing the new crypto token that not only allows you to trade and invest but also provides you with USDC.Our main goal is to build a community that lives up to the word, a token that makes a difference and provides a better future for all. Livium is a token with a mission, a purpose, and a vision of how it will achieve and help shape the future of cryptocurrency.The dividend that is rewarded in USDC when buying Livium tokens is an innovative feature that is designed to incentivize investors to hold Livium tokens for the long term. Here’s how it works: A percentage of the transaction fees generated from the purchase and sale of Livium tokens is set aside in a dividend pool. This pool is then used to distribute USDC dividends to Livium token holders on a regular basis. The amount of USDC dividends that a Livium token holder receives is directly proportional to the number of Livium tokens they hold.The dividend that is rewarded in USDC when buying Livium tokens is an innovative feature that is designed to incentivize investors to hold Livium tokens for the long term. Here’s how it works: A percentage of the transaction fees generated from the purchase and sale of Livium tokens is set aside in a dividend pool. This pool is then used to distribute USDC dividends to Livium token holders on a regular basis. The amount of USDC dividends that a Livium token holder receives is directly proportional to the number of Livium tokens they hold.💠 LAUNCH IN 6 DAYS 💠Tokenomics🔸️ 5% BuyBack🔸️ 2% Dividend🔸️ 2% Liquidity🔸️ 3% Marketing / Development💠 LAUNCH IN 6 DAYS 💠
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