• BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 575.72
  • BNB: $593.60
  • SOL: $144.84
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 9379
  • Airdrops listed: 1035
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 575.72
  • BNB: $593.60
  • SOL: $144.84
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 575.72
  • BNB: $593.60
  • SOL: $144.84
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 575.72
  • BNB: $593.60
  • SOL: $144.84
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 575.72
  • BNB: $593.60
  • SOL: $144.84
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 575.72
  • BNB: $593.60
  • SOL: $144.84
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
Hasbulla Inu

Hasbulla Inu

Launch Date:
Price $ 0.(09)2097
Market Cap $ 210
Liquidity $ 5

About Hasbulla Inu token

Introducing Hasbulla Inu | $HASB | with a market cap of 40K | Featuring 4% Reflection, 2% Marketing, and 4% Liquidity. Join one of BSC’s largest projects of the generation. 💥 We have robust marketing strategies planned to honor Hasbulla appropriately, transforming his legendary status into a cryptocurrency. Our journey begins with minimal liquidity, with plans to increase it gradually. Whale groups will be established to foster stronger investor relationships. 🐋

We’ve embarked on a promising journey and are unwavering in our commitment to continuous progress. Our roadmap includes the introduction of staking and P432Earn (a unique gaming system with more to come). While we have more extensive community engagements in the pipeline, we are focused on steady and sustainable growth. We have secured liquidity and team tokens for future listings, airdrops, giveaways, and more.

Our active community participates in numerous giveaways, shill campaigns, and game contests. Join us now and become part of this vibrant community—be part of a legend. Be part of Hasbulla Inu 🔥

Contract: 0x365e4ebc7b52fef45ca58bafb53c485ee41c51cc

TG: https://t.me/HasbullaInuENG

Website: hasbullainu.online

Coin rank
Global rank: #978
Daily rank: #0

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Coin rank
Global rank: #978
Daily rank: #0

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