• BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 9379
  • Airdrops listed: 1035
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300


Launch Date:
Price $ 0.(08)3723
Market Cap $ 3 284
Liquidity $ 37

About Gakcoin token

Introducing a revolutionary deflationary token deployed on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), designed to transform traditional banking and gaming into a fully decentralized experience. This token offers users direct ownership in a dynamic and evolving ecosystem, bridging the gap between conventional financial systems and the innovative world of decentralized finance (DeFi) and gaming.


1. Deflationary Mechanism: The token incorporates a deflationary mechanism, reducing the total supply over time through strategic token burns. This creates a scarcity effect, potentially increasing the value of the remaining tokens and rewarding long-term holders.

2. Decentralized Banking: By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, the token enables decentralized banking services. Users can access financial services such as savings, loans, and investments without relying on traditional banking institutions, ensuring greater transparency, security, and control over their assets.

3. Gaming Integration: The token revolutionizes the gaming industry by integrating decentralized gaming platforms. Gamers can earn, trade, and utilize tokens within the gaming ecosystem, enhancing their gaming experience and providing real-world value to in-game achievements.

4. User Ownership: Unlike traditional systems, where central entities hold control, this token grants users direct ownership and participation in the ecosystem. Token holders can influence the development and governance of the platform through decentralized voting mechanisms, ensuring a community driven approach

5. Binance Smart Chain: Deploying the token on the Binance Smart Chain ensures fast, secure, and cost-effective transactions. BSC’s robust infrastructure and high throughput make it an ideal platform for scaling decentralized applications and services.

6. Staking and Rewards: Users can stake their tokens to earn rewards, contributing to the network’s security and stability. Staking incentivizes long-term participation and aligns the interests of the community with the growth of the ecosystem.

7. Cross-Platform Compatibility: The token is designed for cross-platform compatibility, allowing seamless integration with various decentralized applications (dApps) and services within the broader blockchain ecosystem. This enhances its utility and adoption potential.

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Global rank: #1452
Daily rank: #0

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Global rank: #1452
Daily rank: #0

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