• BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 9379
  • Airdrops listed: 1035
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
Baby Yoda Coin

Baby Yoda Coin

Launch Date:
Market Cap

About Baby Yoda Coin token

First charity-based token with buyback – full burn system integrated. Rewarding you whilst bringing the power of charity to the community. You have the power to chose which charities you want to support. Every transaction adds 2% to a charity wallet! Another 3% get redistributed to holders 2% to Liquidity, and 5% buyback meaning even if you don’t actively trade tokens, you’ll make money! We are a team of 4 people, 2 developers with 3 years experience in Solidity, 1 designer, 1 expert in charity – 5 years of charity helping people from different countries. He will be our ambassador and will reveal himself one week after the presale when we will do the first donation. Many new features will be added to our token – our own swapper, a dashboard where you can see different stats about BabyYoda holders Check our website and join our telegram if you have any questions.

Coin rank
Global rank: #777
Daily rank: #195

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Coin rank
Global rank: #777
Daily rank: #195

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