• BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 9379
  • Airdrops listed: 1035
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
  • BTC: $63 017.99
  • ETH: $2 576.95
  • BNB: $587.80
  • SOL: $144.59
  • Cryptocurrencies listed: 2017
  • Total Airdrops: 300
Avorak AI

Avorak AI

Launch Date:
Price $ 0.00014159
Market Cap $ 5 664
Liquidity $ 1345

About Avorak AI token

Avorak is an AI-powered cryptocurrency built on the Binance Smart Chain, melding artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain technology, creating a powerful and free-to-use platform with chatbots, trade indicators, generative content modules, and automated trading bots.

What is utility of Avorak AI?

Its native utility token AVRK can be used for the platforms’ powerful AI tools or staked in one of its non-inflationary staking pools to generate a stream of passive income with lucrative minimum APRs of up to 14.8%.

Additionally, 50% of the revenue generated by its AI-powered platform is directly shared with all AVRK holders. At the same time, the rest of the profits are used to develop and enhance the platform.

If you want to learn more about Avorak and the ongoing ICO, visit our website Avorak.ai and join our Telegram.

Coin rank
Global rank: #82
Daily rank: #121

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Coin rank
Global rank: #82
Daily rank: #121

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